Learning online with a live native Spanish teacher offers the best way to master the language. Classes proceed at your pace, and we offer extra study materials and resources for you to practice on your own outside of class.
The first step is to sign up for a free trial class with no obligation and give it a try. Then once you know how it will go you can purchase credits to take your Spanish classes whenever you like.
¡oYe! Spanish is a professional online Spanish language tuition center. We take pride in the quality of our instruction and the academic and administration systems that underpin the classes and courses that we offer. Here's why we recommend that you take a FREE ONLINE SPANISH CLASS with ¡oYe! Spanish:
There are a great many websites that offer online Spanish classes, each making promises and offers to tempt the would-be student to take their online Spanish course with them. But how do you know what you are getting?
In our experience of talking to online Spanish students about their previous classes and courses we have noted that it can be hard at first to determine whether the quality of the classes they are receiving is good or not. In many cases, several weeks or months may go by before the student begins to realize that they are not learning as fast as they might. Very often it is only by experiencing the difference between one teacher and another, one method and another, that a student can come to recognize the good from the bad. But by then it may already be too late - the money has already been spent!
Too many online Spanish course websites merely connect a student with a teacher, charge the student and pay the teacher and pocket the difference, without giving any thought to the pedagogical or methodological issues, or without carrying out any oversight or supervision of the teacher to see that what they are teaching the student is valid and appropriate and meets a minimum standard.
In Spanish there is a saying that translates roughly as "the cheap turns out expensive" (Lo barato sale caro). This is equally true of online Spanish courses, where any number of wasted hours of cheap classes would have been much better spent on fewer hours of better organized and conducted classes.
The pointers that we offer the would-be student are as follows:
¡oYe! Spanish offers you a free trial class with no obligation so that you can see for yourself what the difference is between ¡oYe! and the rest! Sign up today and let us show you the best in online Spanish language tuition!